Monday, May 11, 2009

Why I Bought the 20 Oz. Pilsner Glasses

When I say, “I’m going to have a beer; would you like one?” There are only two possible correct answers.

“Yes pleaseorNo thank you.

“I’ll just have a sip or two of yours,” is not one of your choices.

But, that’s what my favorite ex would sometimes reply. Not because she couldn’t belt back a cerveza or two. The woman could throw down when she wanted to. Maybe she thought I would find it endearing in a coupley kind of way. No, I did not. I've never had a taste for ½ a beer. What’s the point?

So, I bought 20 oz. pilsner glasses. After that, if she wanted to share mine, I’d open two bottles of beer. I would fill my pilsner glass and give her the remaining ½ of a bottle of beer.

My friends tell me that that’s why I’m single. Most likely, there are scads better reasons than that, but it’ll do.



  1. I'll share peanuts but not the beer. What a nice diplomatic way to solve that situation. (giving her the last of the bottle) You're more generous than I would have been. I'd have said something like "Get your own." I'd have paid for it tho...

  2. That is my new favorite story ever!
