Friday, July 3, 2009

"It sucks for all of you to NOT be me!"

That's what I wrote on the LezBang Christmas blog when I received my gift from my online buddy, Neo. She made me a frakkin action-figure. I was giddy and that does not happen often.

I needed to find a damsel in distress and hire a side-kick. And music; I needed a theme song. All of those things happened. And there was even a comic strip. I haven't done anything with the comic lately, but that's about to change.

Be on the lookout after the 4th of July weekend for a reboot of
The Adventures of Rusty Patti- lesbian action hero.


  1. I am looking forward to seeing it.

  2. Smokey, I've been planning to do this for months. The loss of LezBang was the kick in the keister I needed.
